The City of Greeley Case Study From Health Check to People Driven ROI ®
Oracle introduced Meta to the City of Greeley in April 2022 to conduct a Health Check on their Oracle SaaS operations. Meta quickly determined that the City faced challenges with solution ownership and adoption due to a lack focus on change management during the initial implementation and also that their solutions were not aligned with industry best practices and did not fully meet organizational needs. As part of the Health Check, Meta delivered a comprehensive set of recommendations to City Executives. With approval to move forward, the team set out to align business processes, resolve issues, and help the City achieve People Driven ROI® through employee engagement and education.
Meta’s initial focus was to engage City subject matter experts to ensure alignment of best practices to meet their organizational goals, including unique needs. This move resulted in business process and operational improvements for their key processes. Additionally, the Greeley executive team worked with Meta to redefine roles within the organization to align with their new processes. The alignment to best practices and having the right resources with the right skills has created a path to solution ownership and self-sustainment for the City.
The Executive team at the City was not seeing the ROI we expected or needed from our technology investment. Meta helped us move towards best practices and resolve our issues thanks to their in-depth product knowledge and focus on our people being the driver for success.
City Stats
Founded: 1869 | Employees: 1,109 |
Population: 108,795 | Revenue: $548.5m |
Working with Meta
- The Meta Health Check produced recommendations for process improvements through configuration updates
- The City gained knowledge to becomeproficient in troubleshooting and resolvingissues
- The Meta and Greeley teams seamlesslyintegrated to achieve shared goals andobjectives
- Combined leadership and projectmanagement helped overcome politicalchallenges
- Thorough documentation was an essential tool providing transparency, education, and points of reference to enable the City’s ownership of the system
A Focus on Improvement
Custom-built FIN and HCM reports improved reporting accuracy and reduced manual efforts, resulting in the savings of 80-90% of staff time.
Configuring Step Progressions eliminated several manual steps decreasing the overall process duration from 8 hours to 1 hour.
The creation of payroll reports and developing a recurring payroll reconciliation process has resulted in reducing off cycle payments by 90%.
The creation of newly auto-provisioned position-based roles and rules resulted in annual savings of hundreds of hours of manual work.
From Health Check to Partnership to PEOPLE DRIVEN ROI ®
Through partnership with Meta, the City of Greeley has gained confidence in their system, taken ownership of their solutions, become self-sufficient, and is achieving the ROI that they expected
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
- Core Human Resources
- Compensation
- Absence Management
- Time and Labor
- Recruiting
- Payroll
- Benefits
- Performance Management
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
- General Ledger
- Payables
- Receivables & Cash
- Assets
- Expense Management
- Procurement
- Project Management