State Judiciary:
PeopleSoft Human Capital Management & Enterprise Learning Management
State Judiciary adopts HCM and Learning Management Best Practices with Metaformers as Strategic Partner
The Judiciary consists of 48 individual district and circuit courts across the state, as well as the Court of Appeals, and multiple administrative agencies.
The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) oversees and implements court policies established by the Chief Judge, the Court of Appeals, and the General Assembly. Its responsibilities include hiring, development and management of personnel; management of finance and budget, and administration of court operations.
AOC’s Human Capital Management and Enterprise Learning Management processes were manually intensive and lacking in transparency for both employees and management. These processes included the printing and distribution and processing of timesheets for over 4300 employees. The adoption of PeopleSoft HCM and ELM automates best practice business processes to move the AOC forward in the management of and relationship with its personnel, recruits, and learners of the statewide judiciary.
From Paper-Based to Best Practice-Based
With 48 courts operating with a certain level of autonomy under the management of an elected official, the development of single, best practice- focused, business processes presented multiple challenges for AOC. However, the establishment of common practices across the organization was the top priority, followed closely by the replacement of paper-based timesheets with an online solution. The full implementation offered the user base a graphically driven solution that supported their HR processes with real-time visibility to executives, managers, and employees. The resulting adoption resulted in less than 1% customization and adopted best practices with integrations to state payroll, state benefits, and state employee management systems.
AOC has realized multiple benefits from the implementation of PeopleSoft HCM and ELM solutions, including:
Replacement of multiple paper-based solutions
Ability to retire aging and unsupported legacy systems
Clear visibility to performance metrics through a specially designed visual query reporting solution
Adoption of common best practices across the organization
Workflow approval framework that supports policy
Employee and manager self-service for performance management and license/certification renewals

Modules Adopted
- Core Human Resources
- Time &Labor
- Recruiting
- ePerformance
- Self Service
- Manager Self Service
- Portal
Working with Metaformers
AOC chose Metaformers to implement PeopleSoft Financials, Supply Chain, HCM, ELM and Portal in two distinct phases over a four-year period. The HCM and ELM implementation began in September 2014 and went live in January 2016 on schedule and under budget. Metaformers provided executive support and partnered project management with AOC that kept the project on schedule, with a governance framework that supported exceptional issues and risk management while remaining focused on People Driven ROI.